Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Gardening and May Day Gathering!

Hello Seedlings friends.  Spring is officially here, and we are edging ever nearer to being open!  July 1st is the for sure date, though we may be able to open as early as mid June.  I will keep you posted. 

Also, we got the word last week, that our application for a garden spot at the Northside Community garden was accepted! We have a spot, and I will claim it this Saturday. We will be spending a lot of time and energy in this spot, and would love parent involvement. We will be planning a work day there soon, and all of you green thumbs would be much appreciated. More on that to come.

And, as we get nearer to spending a lot more time together as a group, we would like to host a few get togethers to get to know one another better. As I said at our meeting, the Smetanka family is finishing up with our last year on the Moon-Randolph Homestead and we would like to host a May Day get together to celebrate spring and to get to know each other a little better.  This will happen on Saturday, May 5th, at 1pm, and will coincide with Bike/Walk/Bus week.  We will be giving tours of the homestead that day, and with any luck will have a May Pole dance as well.  We could use some volunteers to help with making the ribbon for the May Pole, and invite everyone to bring a potluck dish.  Let me know if you are interested in volunteering your time for this.  I will send out an official e-invite soon.

Beginning in May, we will start scheduling individual home visits with those of you signed up for summer enrollment.  This is not to see how you run your house, or to inspect anything, rest assured! It is strictly for getting to know your child better, and to create a connection with them.  Coming to your home is a way for us to bond with your child on a personal level, hopefully making the transition to Seedlings smooth and easy.  

Hope you are all enjoying your early spring, and this beautiful sunshine!  See you soon!

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