Schedules and Rates

609 Howell
Missoula, MT 59802

Tuition Schedule
Program Year September 2012 through May 2013
 9am-3pm for Preschool Program
3pm-5pm for aftercare

Rate is $5 per hour                                

*Half day options are available for a limited time for families who want to ease into the transition of full days

Registration Fee:  There is a $30 non-refundable registration fee per child.

Deposit:  A one-half month deposit is required for the preschool program.  This deposit is due at the time of registration, and it is applied to the last two weeks of school. No refunds for early termination.

Tuition payments:  Tuition is billed on a monthly basis and families are required to pay at the beginning of each month.  If no payment is made by the 5th of the month, and no other arrangements have been made with the administrator, your child's place will become available to children on the waiting list and you will lose your deposit.
Holidays, Sick Days, and Vacation Days:   Seedlings will be closed the following days for holidays.
July 4th
Summer Holiday - TBA (beginning 2013)
September - Labor Day
November - Veteran's Day
November 22 and 23 Thanksgiving
December 24 - January 2 Christmas Break
January MLK Day
February Presidents Day
Spring Break - same as public school
May - Memorial Day
Enrollment:  Upon receipt of enrollment application, deposit and registration fee, an appointment will be set up with the parents, the child, and the teacher for all to meet one another.  When the deposit, registration fee and all completed forms have been received, your child will be considered enrolled.
Best Beginnings Scholarships:  In our dedication to serve families of diverse economic backgrounds, we will accept families receiving state scholarship assistance.  Parents are responsible for any balance remaining that the scholarship does not cover.